Monday, April 7, 2008

Easter teaser...

I am going to be late for spinning today if I don't hurry this internet business up, so all you get on Easter is a little hazelnut teaser...

Be back later with the full story...

Tragedy and a regular (albeit beautiful!) meal...

That is my almost full jar of A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. sundried tomatoes...crashed to the floor. Sad day.

This is a BIG bowl of veggies. I looooove veggies.
This post's purpose was mostly to make you feel sorry for me, because of the tomato incident. The veggie bowl photo happened to be taken on the same day as the tomatoes, and I thought the colors were amazing!

Friday Afternoon in the Kitchy

Kath's kale chips (YUM!)...I sprinkled them with nutritional yeast flakes. My kinda chips!

(with flash, then with no flash and HANDS!)

Then I tried to adapt my mom's fabulous oatmeal cookie recipe to be a little lower in sugar, and a little higher in fiber. They were just okay. I say, have a reasonable portion of the real thing.